Thursday, August 18, 2011

rear radius rods

I have split and spread the rear radius rods and mounted the ends ( using ball joints ) to the frame. The rear suspension is mow finished. Now I will fabricate the front and rear shock absorber mounting brackets. I need to research the possibilities and decide what approach to take. I believe the front mounts will be pretty straight forward, but the rear could be more difficult. How hard can it be? I guess I'll soon find out!! It feels good to be working on the project after such a long break. Hope to see some real progress in the next few months........

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

rear radius rods

I's been a LONG time (February) since my last update......I bought a motor home last March and have totally ignored the hot rod , but that's about to change. Recently returned from 5 weeks travel to the western states and now hope to spend lots of time on the project. First on the agenda, I will finish the rear suspension by mounting the rear radius rods and fabricating the rear shock mounts. the body will then be positioned and permanently mounted. I will include pictures in the upcoming updates. Feels good to be back on the project............wish me luck!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

transmission crossmember

Rear trans mount is in place. Now I will position the body and determine the position for the steering column and clutch/brake pedals. I need to decide what to do about seats..........

Sunday, February 13, 2011

seat mockup

I am trying to decide what configuration would be best for seats. I have found a supplier that will make a bench seat in the width I need, but the height and depth are fixed. The advantage would be a better utilization of the limited space in the cab. Or should I use bomber seats as originally intended? I could use some feedback.........PLEASE!!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hood Center Section

The hood arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait to see how it will look!! With a few adjustments, I think it will look real good. Now back to working on the cab. Hope to finish in the not too distant future......finish the body work that is......